The aus secretariat, the african union commission, is based in addis ababa. Statement by sahlework zewde special representative of the. The organisation of african unity was an intergovernmental organization established on 25. Statement by sahlework zewde special representative of. In addition to performing any other tasks which may be entrusted to it by the assembly of heads of state and government, the. The commission was inaugurated on 2 november 1987 in addis ababa, ethiopia. Box 3243, roosvelt street w21k19 addisabeba, ethiopie tel. Lunion africaine fondements, organes, programmes et. On ne peut plus remettre a demain toutes ces questions. The commissions secretariat has subsequently been located in banjul, the gambia.
United nations bureau des nations unies office to the. The secretariatgeneral is responsible for the overall coherence of the commissions work both in shaping new policies, and in steering them through the other eu institutions. Oct 11, 20 article 4 principes lunion africaine fonctionne conformement aux principes suivants. The african union au is a continental union consisting of 55 member states located on the. The african charter established the african commission on human and peoples rights. Farewell call by ambassador of the republic of zimbabwe. Pdf jacques foccart et le secretariat general pour les. United nations bureau des nations unies office to the african.
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